Lifting the lid on toilet training: Out and about with top 3 tips

by Lauren Amies and Brogan Georgiou

So you think you've mastered toilet training at home? Welcome to the outside world… Whether it be trips out, staying with other family members, or starting nursery or school, Laura and Brogan share their tips for toilet training beyond the home.


How do I continue potty training in public?

Be as prepared as possible by packing a bag wth spare clothing, a portable potty or toilet seat that will make toileting on the go familiar, and clean for you and your child. Accidents are normal, so be ready to approach them calmly.


Get your little one involved in the prep

If they're going for an overnight stay, get your child involved in the packing to give them ownership and understanding of what goes into personal care. It might be their toothbrush, a particular toilet roll they're used to, or routine resources like personal care bingo.


How do you toilet train a child at school?

You might not be with them at school, but hopefully your words and action will have started a good foundation - think of easy to remember steps and songs that they can take with them when they're going independently. Laura has created a range of printable checklists and routine maps you could use.


Laura and Brogan have shared loads more advice on toilet training, see the videos here:


Lifting the lid on toilet training
Lifting the lid on toilet training: How & when to get started with 4 tips
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Top tips on reducing toilet anxiety 
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Staying dry through the night
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Teaching hygiene & personal care 
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Where to get support?